Nissan VQ type of V6 engine have quite a difference characteristic with those Mitsubishi or other type of V6 engine. For Mitsubishi type of V6 engine (e.g. 6A1X or 6G7X), the engine gasket for both left hand side and right hand side are design as the same item, but for Nissan type of V6 engine, most of them are difference part for left and right.
It is known that Cylinder Head Gasket, Rocker Cover Gasket are difference for left side and right side for VQ engine, but do you thing the Plug Tube Seal for this type of engine have the difference parts for left and right side?
6 pieces of Plug Tube Seal are used for one engine which consist 3 pieces a side, and this Plug Tube Seals are not packed in Genuine Full Set or Head Set gasket, the question is are they using 6 pieces same items or 3 pieces a side with 2 difference parts?
There are 2 type of Plug Tube Seal are applicable for VQ Engine, which is 13276-31U21 and 13276-31U10 (Please refer to the photo diagram).
Parts catalog shows that both items are interchangeable although their size may have slightly difference, and 6 pieces of each part number per engine are usable.
But it seem there are foreman claim that 3 pieces of each part number are use for the left hand and right hand side. This info is quite confusing and we wish for those is expert in this Nissan VQ engine are welcome to comment on their view for this scenario.