Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ford Escape 3.0 V6 Rocker Cover Gasket

Ford Escape 3.0 V6 engine, also can be find it at Mazda Tribute 3.0 V6 engine under Mazda engine code AJ, although this engine share by this 2 model, it is more to the Ford type of engine, if it isn't under the Mazda Japan engine, Malaysia local owner may find the parts for this vehicle is more expensive than those under Mazda range, although it may be a common part for owner in US, Euro and Australia.

This post we share how the Ford Escape 3.0 V6 rocker cover looks like, other than the 2 pieces main gasket, it also using 6 pieces of plug seal, and 21 pieces small o-ring that serve as the rocker cover bush.


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