Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Nissan Navara NP300 Rocker Cover Gasket

Nissan Navara NP300 is using the Nissan YD25DDTi engine, which it seems same code as the previous Nissan Frontier model, but overall there are some modification improvement of the engine which made quite many gasket in the new model can not be interchange with the old model type of gasket.

Of course the first common gasket we noted the difference is the rocker cover gasket, as it is tend to be the first gasket part need to be change in the engine for most vehicle, as apart from the Nissan Navara NP300, the new Nissan Urvan NV350 is also using the same engine, may be it is time to study the whole gasket kit after we already made the rocker cover gasket available in invventories.



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