Monday, July 29, 2013

Toyota Celica 18R-GEU Engine Gasket

Toyota 18RG engine is not common in Malaysia market, it is learn that it install on Celica or Carina GT 2000 model like RA63A, RA63B, RT132, RX63, RT141 and MX63, which is production in the year around 1977 to 1981.

So when it happen that I need to source something that is not in my stock list, so the simple way is I try to "Google" around, and for my surprise, I found that actually there are metal type of cylinder head gasket for this 18R-GEU engine.

Anyway, I think it will be quite lucky to find a gasket set on this model in Malaysia, if there are any chances for an inquiry, most probably may come from Sabah or Sarawak.

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