Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh! Yes, this is free for you!

In the midst of tidy up the store condition, and found this rocker cover gasket left at one corner for quite a period, this rocker cover gasket which carry OE part number as MD020715, which use on Mitsubishi 4G51, G52B, G53B and some G54B engine.

Model such as Astron 1.8, Galant Coupe 2.0, Celeste 2.0, Plymouth Arrow 2.0, Dodge Colt 2.0, Sigma 2.0 and those 2,555cc for G54B engine.

So why is it left over in my store room? Actually Malaysia market not carry this model originally, Malaysia model of Pajero Petrol 2.6 G54B engine is using the MD024682 type of rocker cover gasket, as such, this item is not relevant in Malaysia.

Initially I'm thinking of to throw it away to clear up my store space a bit, but I think it is rather wasting of resources and not so environment friendly either.

So I decided to give out this rocker cover gasket for free for those who really need it, I'm not sure in Malaysia really don't have this type of model or not? If it does really exist, just come and get it from me free of charge. Of course for those who need me to post it, you have to pay the postage charge by yourself.

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