Sunday, September 14, 2008

Daihatsu Mira L5 Turbo

Perodua Kancil is a popular vehicle in Malaysia, many owner like to modified the engine into Turbo type which they are popular in calling them from type of L2, L5, L7 up tp L9.

L2 engine is very similar with the original Kancil engine with the added engine valve to 12 from 6, but L5, L7 and L9 type is totally different kind of engine, whereby their engine parts is not that easy to source in Malaysia.


  1. so kedai mana ada jual gasket L5.2 bln lepas i ada beli cover head gasket rm180 nk cari ini barang memang susah dlm 7bln cari.KP Gasket tahu mana nk dapat overhoul gasket,oil seal gear box.enjin i ok lagi xde bocor.dh tiba masanya nk modift enjin.L5 power,lasak enjin dia cuma topspeed,long distancehighway kurang sikit.

  2. sorry brother, baru nampak you punya comment sekarang, brother boleh call saya 012-2043717 untuk pertanyaan pasal L5 gasket, saya ada top set, valve cover gasket, cylinder head gasket dan valve seal gasket, flywheel oil seal boleh tolong cari, parts untuk gear box mungkin susah sikit.

  3. bro tolong carikan saya piston ring L502 dan top gasket...

  4. sy mencari gasket.l502s 4 piston...ori punya berapa harga???sy dok,kalo nak dapat spare part nie area sini mudah x??

  5. To Mohd, gasket L502s 4 piston ada kat Malaysia market, area Kedah kat mana? Gasket mesti ada hanya harga yang menjadi masalah pembeli. Itu pun kena beritahu nak Overhaul Set, Top Set, Cylinder Head Gasket atau Valve Cover Gasket sahaja.

    1. Klu mira l6 4 piston metal gasket dan overhaul set brp harga ye . Sbb pimen ckp nak cr gasket matel jbjl ni payah ... Sy duduk kajang

  6. Btu gua nak cari l5 gasket..boleh beli dimana?

  7. The address is stated at the right up column on this blog which heading with Advance Corporation.

  8. maaf nak tanya..mana nak beli top set untuk enjin L5 4 piston kat area JB? saya nak buat top overhaul...

  9. To Amiril Kafy, you may look for ATS marketing at Johore Bahru.

  10. Hello bos..saya ada soalan nak tanya.

    1.L500 Single cam Timing belt set sama tak dengan L200/L200S timing belt set?
    2.Top & General overhaul Gasket pula sama tak dengan L200/L200S?

    Saya nak service enjin L500 single cam saya..harap bro boleh beri info..thanks:)

  11. I think I just reply your question in FB, anyway, just for your info normally when people said it is L5 3 cylinder, I will treat it as L7, which in term of gasket set, it similar to Kenari gasket set whereby you need to change Cylinder Head gasket, Rocker Cover Gasket and Intake Manifold Gasket.

  12. Helo nak tanya..di mana boleh sy dpt piston l5 jb

  13. I think piston you need to modified from other model that is similar diameter.

  14. For your info, Daihatsu JB-JL metal cylinder head gasket is available at Advance Corporation,119 Jalan Sibu, Taman Wahyu, 68100 Kuala Lumpur. You may whatsapp to 012-2043717 for inquiry.

  15. bos sy pakai enjin L6 EFRL. sy mencari gasket dari turbo ke intercooler. saya masih guna turbo asal. klu bos ada jual, boleh bgtau saya ye. tq...

  16. Hi bos.. intake gasket untuk L5 single cam mana boleh dapat..?

    1. Kelisa & kenari tak boleh guna untuk l5 single cam.. saya sudah beli..
